The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Adjust the coils in the selected filter for lower current and higher RF Out,
especially in the end of band frequencies.
If RF Out from LPA is less than 140 W, increase the RF Out from the Generator
(to no more than +3dB) until the power out is 140-160 W.
Note in the LPA Alignment form:
RF In level from RF Generator (between -1 to +3 dBM)
RF Out level from LPA (between 140-160 W)
F1 and F2 current on corresponding amp meter
Power Supply current
Repeat above for all frequencies listed in the Filter Band Table above, making
sure the proper filter has been selected manually from the Test Box before each
frequency is tested.
ALC Check
Automatic Level Control (ALC) consists of sensors T13, T14, amplifiers IC2 A,
C and D, buffer IC2 B on the LPA and IC208 on the Exciter.
Preset levels for Low and High power out are adjustable form R41 and R42 and
control the amount of signal the IC8 attenuator on the Exciter lets reach the
LPA, therefore the amount of RF Out reaching the antenna.
On the Test Box, turn SW3 to RCV and turn power on (SW1).
Change modes of power from SW5, adjust R41 and R42 and check the voltage
on TP1 on Test Box as follows:
R41 and R42
R41 and R42
Fully Clockwise
Fully Counterclockwise
High (L5=off)
0.08 ±0.02 VDC=V1
6.3 ± 0.2 VDC
Low (L5=on)
4.8 ±0.2 VDC=V2
6.3 ±0.2 VDC
Note: L5 on Test Box will indicate that Q14 on LPA is biased for not
conducting, and corresponds to Low power mode.
Switch RF In to 8.0 MHz and select the appropriate filter on the LPA
Turn R41 and R42 fully clockwise.
Adjust RF In from RF Generator for 150 W RF Out from LPA, in transmit into
50 ? dummy load antenna.
With SW5 on High power, switch to transmit and note the voltage level at TP1
on Test Box. Write this value as V1 on the test form.
With SW5 on Low power, switch to transmit and note the voltage level at TP1
on Test Box. Write this value as V2 on the Test form.