The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
The doors, hood, and truck lid should all be grounded to the vehicle using
size #0 (AWG) braid or larger. It is important that all parts of the vehicle
be bonded together in this fashion.
Take care to ground the vehicle exhaust pipe in several places. If the
exhaust pipe is only partially grounded and vibration is encountered, the
vibrating tail pipe can cause irritating noise.
For vehicles which are operating in areas of dry, blowing sand, there is
occasionally static build-up on the vehicle relative to ground. You may
also encounter this phenomenon in a vehicle operated in cold dry climates
in the winter months. You may use either a static spray (such as is sold in
department stores for use on clothing) or other commercially made
products to reduce static.
Tires rolling on pavement may product static electricity under certain
conditions. Although not usually encountered on vehicles using semi-
metallic brake pads and disk brakes, it has been known to happen on
older style large military vehicles where the axle shaft is insulated from
the wheel. Commercial brush kits are available to resolve this condition
should it be encountered.
Don’t assume that your vehicle bumpers are made of metal. Automobile
bumpers are being made out of plastics and plastic-filled metal shells
which attach to the vehicle using electrically unreliable fasteners. In many
cases a metal bumper looks like it should be grounded, but in fact it is not.
There is a simple reason why this happens: some vehicles have the
bumpers put on at the assembly plant after a coat of paint or protective
finish has been sprayed on the body. This good engineering plan for rust
prevention is not acceptable for HF radio work because the paint layer
may not be scraped by tightening the bolt and this may result in a poor
connection or no connection at all.
If you are installing the SG-2000 in a remote head configuration, it is not
necessary to ground the control head with a separate cable. The control
head and the RS-422 data lines which are used for control of the radio
need only be grounded at the control head plug on the radio in order to
work properly. Installation of the control head with grounding should
not cause problems, but if any unusual operations are encountered, the
existence of a ground loop involving the control head should be