The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
If an antenna coupler is mounted in the trunk of a vehicle, it will have 1 to 2 feet of
HV cable going to the antenna on the outside. With as short as a 1-foot lead wire,
and using a 9-foot antenna, this means that fully
10% of the antenna system is inside
the vehicle
where it won't transmit or receive. It also creates another 10 to 100 pico
Farads of capacitance which results in more losses! With QMS, you'll pick up 3-6
Wire size of the antenna counts. Almost the resonant type antennas are wound
with number 22 wire. The SG-303, the antenna used with the QMS, is wound with
3 millimeter wide tape wire strap — equivalent to AWG # 4 wire. With a 100-watt
class transceiver, you'll develop 3 to 7 amps (or more) of RF on the antenna, and
amps through #22 wire represents major losses.
The QMS with the SG-303 antenna
scores another 3-6 dB advantage.
The SG-303, is actually
two antennas in a single casing
. A single rod equivalent to
the conventional stainless steel whip element resonates at about 22 MHz; plus a
helically wound element resonates at about 10 MHz. This means that on lower
frequencies, those under 20 MHz or so, the SG-303 will vastly outperform a
conventional 9 foot whip. Chalk up several more dB for QMS.
Some hams use the so-called “antenna tuner” built into some radios and feed their
antennas directly with coax. The problem is that with a non-resonant antenna, a
very high SWR exists on the feedline between the radio and antenna even if you
get a low SWR reading with a built in tuner.
Built-in tuners are nothing more than
The QMS system puts a true coupler right at the antenna. When your
feedline SWR is above 4 to 1 you have effectively put 29 pico Farads per foot
capacitance to ground! That's at least 3 to 6 dB more gain for QMS!
As you can see, our gain advantage of 20 dB for QMS is pretty conservative! Here's one
more thing to remember: QMS
mounts without drilling any holes
in your vehicle. That's a
major advantage at vehicle trade-in time. So, if you're planning to use HF while mobile,
SGC's QMS system is the best solution you'll find.
Contact your SGC dealer or call SGC
Unconventional Mobile Antennas
In HF mobile work, there are as many antenna alternatives as there are experienced HF
The "J" antenna is perhaps best described as a bar rail type affair insulated from the top
of a van, truck, or other flat roofed vehicle.