The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
10.0 Power Supplies
Many power sources can be used with the SG-2000. Among these are:
Transformer or regulated power supplies from AC mains
Battery systems
Solar Systems
Wind Powered Systems
All modern transceivers run on 12 Volts DC. With the exception of AC mains power
supplies, all other systems supply DC suitable to run a radio. However, various
regulators may be necessary, because regulation of solar and wind powered systems is
Another important consideration, how power is moved from the power supply to the
radio, can have a very high impact on ultimate radio performance, especially when
Regardless of the type of power supply used, you should design cabling from the
power supply to the radio to minimize voltage drop. This drop occurs because wire is
not a perfect conductor of electricity. The longer the distance between a power supply
and a radio, the greater the voltage drop will be.
SGC recommends placing a power supply no more than 25 feet from a radio. There are
two reasons for this:
. The voltage drop experienced over 25 feet, even when large conductor cabling is
used, is not acceptable.
. The longer the power cabling, the more chance that it will fail due to any
number of unforeseen circumstances.
When electricity flows from the power supply to the radio at low current levels, the
internal resistance of the wire has little effect. But as current increases, the voltage drop
becomes more pronounced.
Now apply that to your power wiring: turn on the radio at a low power level, such as
the receive mode where little power is drawn, and things will likely be just fine with
number 16 or number 14 wire at 25 feet; but turn on the transmitter, where lots of