The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
RS-232 Software Installation
This section outlines system requirements, equipment setup, software instal-
lation, and troubleshooting information.
SGC software is shipped on a 3 .5" disk although 5.25" is available upon request.
You may install the software on a hard disk or you may run it directly from the
product disk. If you decide to operate from the floppy drive, we recommend
that you make a backup copy of the product disk we provide and keep the
original in a safe place. See your DOS manual for instructions on how to make
copies of software.
1. System Requirements
The system requires an IBM or 100% compatible computer operating with DOS
versions 3.0 or greater and one free RS-232 port available as COM1 or COM2. If
you have questions about the availability of these ports, contact your computer
hardware vendor.
If you need to find out what version of DOS is in use, return to any prompt (the
C:\> prompt for example) and type:
The computer will then respond with the version number of DOS which is
2. Setup
Plug the female end of the RS-232 cable into the computer COM port (either
COM1 or COM2) and the male end of the cable into the SG-2000 RS-232 port.
Turn on the SG-2000.
Boot up the computer.
Insert the SG-2000 software disk into the appropriate drive. See the following
sections for specific installation instructions for both floppy drives and hard
Switch the computer to the drive that contains the SG-2000 software if necessary.
on your computer keyboard. You will be presented with the software Main