The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Squelch Test
The squelch (SQL) function will keep the receiving path into the speaker open
as long as the received shgnal is of broadcasting structure and its strength
meets the SQL's minimum level, preset by the user.
The SQL level can be set from the keyboard from a range of 0-9 as follows:
Gain access to the secondary level of keyboard functions.
The currently set squelch level is displayed on the bar
graph and is able to be modified.
Up or Down Arrows
or 0-9
Selects a new squelch level which will take effect if no
other button is pushed for 6 seconds.
Audible beep after
6 seconds
Confirmation that the last displayed number is the new
squelch setting.
Toggles the squelch on or off.
Test Procedure:
Program the SG-2000 to a local AM broadcasting station.
Turn volume to medium level.
Set SQL level to 1.
Enable SQL function: the audio will be cut off.
Switch the SG-2000 antenna from the dummy load to the aerial antenna (SW2).
The broadcasting signal should break in and should be heard on the SKK.
Switch the SG-2000 antenna back to the dummy load. Without the broadcasting
signal, the SQL will cut off the audio.
If the test fails, switch SW1 to the audio generator input and inject 100 mVRMS,
1 KHz. You should read a 4 to 5 Vpp square wave on IC13A pin 12 and 5V
level data on IC13A pin 11.