The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
6.0 SG-2000 Software and Accessories
This section lists various software options that are available for the MicroProcessor
controlled SG-2000. In the event that you own an SG-2000 and later wish to add
different software, such as the GPS software, Oil Rig software, Hong Kong software, or
other software as may be periodically published, please be advised that there is a
software update charge if the software is retrofitted into an existing radio.
GPS Software
Effective April 1, 1992, a special edition of the SG-2000 main microprocessor software
was published to meet the needs of the oil and gas exploration industry for a radio
which would not search the international emergency frequency, 2182 KHz, when the
radio is first turned on. The special software is now standard.
In addition, the SG-2000, which was adapted to differential GPS radio location service
in January of 1992 has special cooling modifications which allow it to operate under
severe service for unlimited time. The additional cooling systems may be ordered by
users who anticipate extended key down operations, including differential GPS, ALE,
SITOR/AMTOR/RTTY, and other data modes or plan to subject the SG-2000 to
unusually warm operations (such as desert vehicle installations).
Oil Platform Software
In May 1992, special software became available for the main MicroProcessor of the SG-
2000 which will allow the transmission of an emergency distress tone on all frequencies,
removing the normal limit of transmitting on only the international emergency
frequency, 2182 KHz. This was done at the request of oil exploration companies who
have been using the SG-2000 successfully in offshore oil exploration work and who are
required, because of international regulations, to both test and operate their emergency
distress beacons on frequencies in addition to the international 2 MHz band channel.
This software is now standard on the SG-2000. Press the shift function and emergency
buttons at the same time and the distress tone will be transmitted on the displayed
Effective September 1, 1992, a special edition of the SG-2000 became available to users of
the SG-2000 in Hong Kong. Certain radio programming features are deleted in order
to meet Type Approval requirements of Hong Kong's G.P.O.