The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Lower center of display over bar graph. It indicates the
intercom feature to another control head is active. (You can
activate this feature on an SG-2000 with no additional heads
attached, but no one will hear you!)
Bar Graph
Lower center of display. Small numbers show under graph
(10, 20, 50, 100). The bar graph displays relative strength of
received signals and relative strength of transmitted signals.
Lower right corner of display. This light indicates a tem-
perature condition which is abnormal for the transmitter and
means that transmitter power output is being reduced to
correct the condition.
Lower left corner of display. This indicates whether the
transmitter is in the high or low power mode. High power
output is 150 watts PEP on SSB and 150 watts CW while low
power is 50 watts PEP and CW output.
Red LED's
These two red lights are located in the lower left corner of
the SG-2000 control panel just above the power switch.
The right hand light of this pair indicates that 12 VDC power
is being applied to the radio and that the crystal oven, used
for the onboard frequency standard, is available and is being
The left hand light above the power switch indicates that the
radio's electronics are on and ready for operation. Please
always allow for 10 minutes of warm-up for the crystal oven
to insure the frequency standard has stabilized. This is
especially important when the SG-2000 is being operated in
extremely cold environments. The radio will, of course, work
when first turned on with no warm up, but may be slightly
off frequency in violation of regulations which govern