The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
resistor in series with the ignition wire and installed at the distributor will usually help
When you are tracking down ignition noise near a gasoline engine, you may find that
the distributor is a major source of noise. Generally, you can't use capacitors to reduce
noise from a distributor because the noise is coming from the spark generated for
ignition. Adding enough capacitance to change the rise time of the spark voltage to a
lower value which will reduce RF “hash” delays the time the spark will gap inside the
engine. This means that timing will be changed (delayed) if a purely capacitive answer
is sought.
Here, shielding of the distributor and wiring is likely to be the best answer. Even when
you put shielding on the outside of ignition wires, you create a capacitor. Depending
on the type of ignition system and the length of the spark plug wires, you may find
timing retarded to the point that an engine will not deliver good performance without
adjustment of timing.
Solar Powered Chargers
Not much needs to be said about solar charging systems except that good design
practice needs to be followed to provide operation under all conditions which are
expected to be encountered.
The most critical element in design of an HF solar power system is local weather
conditions. If you are designing a solar system for an area where there will be little
sunlight for many days in a row, then a large battery system will be needed along with
additional solar panels. On the other hand, if you are designing for an area where there
is a lot of sunshine at all times of the year, then you will need fewer panels; in some
cases two 53-watt panels and one good gel cell battery will be sufficient.
Seasonality is also a consideration. Obviously, in the high Arctic, solar power is ideal
for the month or two during the year when the sun never goes down. But in the other
months, solar power is not a good idea. Hence, another consideration should be
latitude where a solar system will be installed and a calculation of the number of hours
of daylight which will be available.
The kind of regulator which is selected to control the output of the solar panel(s) is very
important. It should operate over a wide range of loads and should continue to provide
trickle charging to keep the battery system charged to its fullest between operating