The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
23.0 SG-2000 Factory Test Procedures
This section details the bench tests the SG-2000 goes through before it is
shipped out to the customer. It is included here for our more electronically-minded
customers who might want to do their own troubleshooting at the board level. It is
highly recommended, however, that any SG-2000 with board-level problems be sent
back to SGC Inc or to an authorized dealer for repair.
For testing purposes the SG-2000 is broken down to four subassemblies:
Exciter, LPA, Head and Main CPU (treated as one), and the Display subassembly.
Exciter Testing Procedures
This section contains the
required documentation for testing and trouble-shooting the Exciter subassembly.
Required Testing Equipment
S/N Meter
Frequency Counter
RF in line voltmeter
RF Signal Generator
Audio Signal Generator
Power Supply Capable of at 35 Amps at 13.6 Volts
Connection Extension Cables
Exciter-LPA ribbon cable
CPU-Exciter ribbon cable
Spectrum Analyzer
Sweep Generator
Digital Multimeter
SG-2000 Head
SG-2000 Chassis with LPA
SG-2000 Main CPU
Bird RF thruline power meter with 250 W slug capable of reading in
the 1.6-30 MHz range.
Circuit Description
The Voltage Controlled Oscillator.(VCO sections are composed of a pro-
grammable Phase Lock Loop (PLL ) and an oscillator section. (Sheet 6 of 6 of
drawing J30100920 is the PLL section.) The processor board communicates
with this area to program frequencies for mixing. The communications link
between the processor board and the PLL is on sheet 5 of 6. Sheet 5 of 6 shows