The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
8.0 Radio Licenses
Finally, before we discuss installation of the SG-2000 radio, we should discuss licensing.
The operation of an SG-2000 generally requires two types of licensing. In the United
States, both a station license and an operator permit are issued by the Federal
Communications Commission. The SG-2000 is type accepted for use on both U.S.
marine and amateur bands. Therefore it is exempt from Part 97.11 (b) regulations
requiring separation of marine and ham radio equipment. Part 97.11 (b) prevents ham
radio equipment from being used on commercial bands but does not preclude use of
type-accepted commercial equipment on the ham bands.
Station Licenses
The U.S. F.C.C. issues licenses for the operation of many classes of radio stations. This
includes ham radio stations, commercial marine shore stations, shipboard stations and
those involving various kinds of mobile applications such as HF systems aboard
aircraft. There is an exception, however. Stations operating under the auspices of the
U.S. military and stations in the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS), are exempt
from the licensing requirements of the F.C.C. but are subject to military rules. Most
countries have comparable regulations.
Generally, the charge, if any, for filing a station application is modest. If you are
planning to operate a U.S. commercial radio station, such as one aboard a fishing boat,
simply call the F.C.C. Regional Office (there are 12 regional offices located in the U.S.)
and ask them to send you the appropriate paperwork. Outside the U.S., check with
government authorities.
The same goes for pleasure craft such as cruisers, sports fishing boats, and sailboats.
The definition of "commercial station" means that the radio can be used for conduct of
It is generally a simple process to fill out the application form for a commercial license.
You may find that you will be asked for the SG-2000 Type Acceptance number. This is
not the model number of the SG-2000. It is the F.C.C.'s unique identifier which
references the official testing and approval paperwork.
On the license application, where "Type Acceptance Identifier" is requested please fill in
the following: