The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Press the “FREQ” button to select mode of operation.
Press the “PRGM” button for simplex operation and to end the
programming sequence.
Enter a Duplex Channel into Memory
If the desired channel is a
channel (e.g. different receive and
transmit frequencies), these additional steps are required:
Follow steps 1 through 6 as shown above under Entering
Simplex Frequency into Memory.
After step #6, press the “FREQ”
button once more. Six dashes will
be displayed on the LCD [ - - - - - - ].
Enter the transmit frequency
Press the “PRGM” button to enter the information into memory.
Deleting Errors in Entry
In the event an error is made entering information, press the
“SHIFT/FUNC” button and the
button to delete any errors. Repeat
this sequence as necessary.
Delete a Channel from Memory
You may not delete a frequency from an SG-2000. You may only delete
user-definable channels. You may or may not be on the channel you wish
to delete. To delete a channel, use the following key sequence:
“PRGM”, “CHAN”, “the channel number you wish to delete, if channel 1-
9, you must add a preceding 0”, “CHAN”, “SHIFT”, “7” and “PRGM”.
Scanning Functions
The SG-2000 will scan both frequencies and channels. You can scan from 2
to 30 MHz continuously in 100 Hz steps. Or, you may scan just a few of
the hundreds of channels.