The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
NOTE: If you are operating the SG-2000 aboard a vessel or in a mobile
installation where channelized operation only is allowed, you may disable the
all-frequency transmit capability of the SG-2000 . You may not wish to disclose
the unlocking sequence to some operators. Simply say that the radio is type
approved for ITU channels and it includes reception capabilities for all
frequencies. You will be able to demonstrate that it will not transmit on unau-
thorized frequencies.
Transmit Frequency Monitor:
To preview the transmit frequency, when operating in the semi-duplex mode,
press the “SHIFT/FUNC” button, then press the “CLAR” button and hold it
down. The radio will then monitor the transmit frequency. To return to the
normal receive frequency, release the “CLAR” button.
Temporary Settings:
The SG-2000 will store current settings on a temporary basis so they may be
easily recovered after changing radio parameters. To temporarily store settings,
press the “PRGM” then “SHIFT/FUNC” buttons. To recover these temporary
settings, press “SHIFT/FUNC” then “PRGM.”