The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
600? Port Check
With the radio in A3J, USB, VOC and a 50? dummy load connected to the
Exciter's RF Out, turn the radio power on.
Apply at J301 Audio In 195 ±10 mV RMS (500 mV RMS for Exciters Rev G and
earlier) of 1000 Hz sinusoidal tone.
Key the radio in transmit and verify that the level at TP302 is 150 mVpp. This
should correspond to :
TP301 = 240 ±10 Vpp
J301 Audio In = 240 ±10 mVpp.
SSB Transmit Alignment
With the radio in 10 MHz, CW, USB, key the radio and verify a level of 150
mVpp (300 mVpp for Exciter boards of Rev G and earlier) on TP302. If a
different level is shown, repeat Microphone and CW level adjustment.
Verify with the scope that the level at TP205 is 4.5 ±.2 Vpp and adjust R238 to
obtain a well balanced signal.
Attach scope probe to TP201 and adjust T203 for maximum signal.
Verify the following levels
Rev H boards
Rev G and earlier boards
TP201 =
300 ±20 mVpp
600 ±20 mVpp
TP101 =
70 ±10 mVpp 100 ±10 mVpp
TP102 =
580 ±20 mVpp
1.1 ±.1 Vpp
TP103 60 ±10 mVpp 100 ±10 mVpp
Adjust R121 to obtain a level of 2 Vpp on the collector pin of Q103. This should
be able to be adjusted in the range of 30-60% of the R121 value.