The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Pre Rack #2 Tests
The following tests are done to the SG-2000 after 12 hours on Rack #1 and
before 12 hours continuous cycling 150 W CW transmitting on 4.5 MHz into the
light bulb antenna load on Rack #2:
Inspection before removal from Rack #1
Bench inspection (visual, ohms, serial, etc.)
PLLs voltages check and adjustment
Receive SSB sensitivity check
Receive AM sensitivity check
ALC 150/50 W transmit adjustment
Carrier insertion check and adjustment
150/50 W transmit adjustment
Head functions check
Communication with SGC Base Station
11.94 oscillator check and adjustment
Installation on Rack #2 and Test Log entry
Pre Exit Tests
After 24 hours on the testing racks and before any unit goes out the door, it
receives these final inspections:
Inspection before removal from Rack #2
Bench inspection (visual, ohms, serial, etc.)
Receive SSB sensitivity check
Carrier insertion check and adjustment
150/50 W power check for 1.6-30 MHz
SGC Smartuner™ check
Head functions check
Communication with SGC Base Station
11.94 oscillator check and adjustment