The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
PC Cable Assembly
The SG-2000 is can controlled by a computer — see the previous sections.
However, computers can come with either a 9-pin or a 25-pin RS-232 connector
as the COM port. The pin-outs are different between these two connectors;
therefore this section will show how to construct a cable assembly to connect an
SG-2000 to a computer using either variation.
The figure above graphically represents the connections needed between a 9-pin
male connector to be connected to the 9-pin RS-232 socket on the back of the SG-
2000 radio and a 9-pin female connector to be connected to the 9-pin RS-232 plug
of the computer's COM port.
The figure below represents the connections needed between a 9-pin male con-
nector to be connected to the 9-pin RS-232 socket on the back of the SG-2000
radio and a 25-pin female connector to be connected to the 25-pin RS-232 plug of
the computer's COM port.