The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
You will notice that if you tune lower while listening to a voice on lower
sideband, the voice will become lower in pitch. If you turn lower while
listening to a voice on upper sideband, the voice will become higher.
Fine Tuning - CW Operation
If you are using the SG-2000 in the CW mode, you should tune in the
desired station by pressing the Frequency button and then change the
frequency using the UP and DOWN arrows until the received station is
heard at the same pitch as the CW sidetone emitted from the control head
speaker when you key the radio.
When this is done, you will be operating on the same frequency as the
station you wish to work.
If you then wish to adjust the note or tone of the CW station, this may be
done with the clarifier. You will be able to adjust the note between 400
and 1600 Hz.
SPECIAL NOTE: Do NOT use the SG-2000 on CW in the LO PWR
mode. If you desire to operate CW and LO PWR, use an external tone
source and connect it to the external audio I/O port J-301 located on the
rear panel of the SG-2000. Vary the amplitude of the external tone
source to control output power of the SG-2000.
Program User Channel into Memory
User-defined channels are assigned channel numbers 1-99. You may
designate any frequency to be a channel from 1to 99. Channel 0 is
displayed as E0
the international distress frequency — and may not be
Enter a Simplex Channel into Memory
The following steps are required to assign the
frequency 14,735.1
KHz to user channel 09:
Press the “PRGM” button.
Press the “CHAN” button.
Enter the desired channel number (09.)
Press the “FREQ” button.
Enter the desired frequency including one digit right of the decimal
point. (147351.)