The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
This section describes the testing procedures for the Display section of the SG-
2000 radio.
Required Testing Equipment
HP 331A Distortion Analyzer
HEATH KIT IG-5218 Audio Signal Generator or equivalent
PS-30 13.6V power supply
SGC Display RX Audio Test Fixture
Power Supply Capable of at least 2 Amps at 13.6 Volts for connecting the SG-
2000 to the PS-30 power supply
Connection Cables; CPU extension cable
Keyboard extension cable
SG-2000 Test Head
SG-2000 without head, RF Out adjusted to minimum, bypassed AM filter.
SG-2000 Test Head Microprocessor With Display Test Chip (IC16)
SG-2000 Test Head Microprocessor With Normal Chip (IC16)
SG-2000 Sample Display Boards ( 1 working and 1 bare PCB, latest rev)
Microphone PTT Toggle Switch
Microphones; 1 carbon, 1 dynamic
Circuit Description
The display board provides the keypad board interface, volume control, micro-
phone amplifier, display interface, and back light control. The circuit can be seen
on schematic J30100910. Information is received from the key board matrix on
connector J3 and is passed to the head processor board on connector J2. The one
exception to this is the on/off switch; it is passed from connector J3 to the exciter
in connector J1.
The line receiver takes the balanced audio signal coming from the exciter and
converts it into an unbalanced signal for the volume control. Volume control is
provided by using a digital to analog (D to A) converter, IC16. In addition, the
received audio signal is rectified by IC12B and fed to the analog to digital (A to
D) converter, IC14. IC14 also converts the photo cell voltage (on Rev E boards
and earlier) and sends output to the head processor via pin 12 on J2. Jumper J6 is
used to select either a dynamic (factory setting) or carbon microphone. The
audio signal is converted from an unbalanced signal to a balanced signal by the
line driver, IC11A and B. The balanced audio signal is sent to the exciter through
J1. When in CW mode, the CW signal is received from the exciter and treated as