The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
of the radio.
Turn radio upside down on a stable surface. Remove the six screws
which hold the bottom cover of the SG-2000 and remove the bottom
cover. Two screws are located on each side of the radio and two
screws are located on the bottom of the radio.
Turn radio right side up.
Locate and remove four Phillips head screws which hold the control
head in place. (Two on each side.)
Carefully slide the control head forward to remove it from the radio
Remove control head cable from wire race in radio body. Remove
external speaker jack feed. Note: External speaker jack only functions
if a head is attached to SG-2000 body.
Turn radio upside down. Reinstall bottom cover. Secure with six
Phillips head screws.
Turn radio right side up. Install top cover and secure with six Phillips
head screws.
(Optional: Install Remote head in desired location and route cable to
radio unit.)
Plug remote control head into rear panel connector of SG-2000.
Carefully install cable shield over the control wire and secure shield
with three Phillips head screws. Cable clamp on left side of rear panel
is not used with external control head.
Installation of the remote control head is now complete.