The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
frequency displayed does not have an assigned channel
number, four dashes will appear on the display. This indicates
that the radio is not operating on a channel (and mode) which
is in memory.
Change Channel - Voice Mode
In order to change the operating channel, press the CHAN key until four
dashes appear. You will need to press it one or two times before the
dashes appear.
With the dashes displayed, type in the desired channel number with the
key pad. Then press the CHAN key a second time to enter the command.
(Refer to the Quick Reference Card)
If the channel desired is a four digit channel number, the function will be
entered automatically following input of the fourth digit.
Change Channel - Telex Mode
If the new operating channel desired involves the use of
the Telex mode, you must change the mode to Telex
attempting to
change to a SITOR channel.
This feature is incorporated into the SG-2000's software programming to
prevent accidental entry and accidental voice use of SITOR channels. Voice
on these channels could interfere with data reception.
As you can imagine, if this feature was not incorporated, it would be
possible to enter channel 812, a SITOR channel, accidentally when you
meant to enter channel 812, a semi-duplex ITU voice channel.
Use the following sequence to change to a Telex SITOR channel:
Set mode to TLX by pressing the “VOC/TLX” button. TLX will be
displayed on the right hand side of the LCD display.
Depress “CHAN” button until dashes appear. Press “CHAN” once
if CHN flag is on left of numbers, or twice if FRQ flag is on).
Enter the desired SITOR channel number.
Depress “CHAN” key to enter the channel and make it current.
Frequency Change - General
There are two ways to change the operating frequency of an SG-2000. For
large frequency changes, you may use the direct entry method. For small