The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
or Down arrows. To optimize the squelch level, depress the
Up and Down buttons respectively and increase the SQL-Level
once or twice. This function allows for optimum detection and
minimum background noise. For viewing purposes, the
adjustment levels are displayed on the bar coded meter.
Noise Blanker
This optional feature allows the radio to recover information
that would otherwise be drowned out by high powered
impulse type noise. In noisy environments, engine spark noise,
lightning, radar pulses or other EMI sources can cause the
radio's built-in automatic gain control to reduce the sensitivity
to the input signal. With the noise blanker, incoming noise is
detected and turns off the receiver for the length of the noise
pulse, thus preventing the automatic gain control from causing
This function is used to display the output power and
returned (lost) power when transmitting via the bar graph
portion of the display. Widely fluctuating readings of either
the FWD or SWR when in the CW transmit mode usually
indicate problems such as an improperly tuned antenna or a
faulty connection between the radio and antenna. Situations
such as these can harm the radio and should be resolved
Function not available in this version of SG-2000. (Applies to
custom need. Not to be confused with scanning lockout as
described on page 73).
The SHIFT/FUNC plus DELETE sequence is used to delete
obsolete or incorrect information when in the PRGM mode.
Engaging this key directs the date and time to flash
intermittently on the display in 2 second intervals, thus
allowing the operator hands-free access for viewing time and
This key is used to engage audible sound (a beep) when any
key is depressed. To turn off the beeping sound, press the
SHIFT/FUNC plus BEEP keys again.
The Step function is used in conjunction with the frequency
function to allow the operator to select the size of frequency
step. The steps are in preprogrammed increments of .1 (100
Hz), .5 (500 Hz), 1, 3 and 5 KHz. If you are operating in ham
bands (and especially when using CW), the 100 Hz (.1 KHz)