The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
SG-2000 very efficient.
Before turning on the power to the SG-2000, you may notice a
red stand-by light glowing on the lower left portion of the
control head. This indicates the 12 VDC power is available for
the radio.
• If you do not see the red stand-by light on, please check
your 12 VDC power wiring to determine why power is not
being supplied to the radio.
The temperature of the onboard crystal oven can be
maintained ready for power-up if the oven switch (on the rear
panel of the SGC-2000) supplies 12 VDC power. The red stand-
by light will remain on. (As you will recall from the
introduction to the radio, the onboard frequency standard uses
a highly stable crystal oscillator.)
If the temperature of the onboard crystal oven has not
been maintained, allow 12 VDC power to be applied for 10
minutes or longer. If you do not do this, the frequency will not
be standard and off-frequency operation may be noticed.
Failure to allow the oven to come up to temperature may result
in operation on an improper frequency.
Power on.
Once the availability of power has been confirmed,
push power button to turn on radio.
The control head should start displaying radio status information.
The first frequency displayed will be the last frequency used
prior to the radio being turned off.
You may also notice when power is turned on that the radio
comes up at partial volume. The SG-2000 always comes on at
its last volume setting before it was last turned off.
Now, notice the frequency/channel portion of the
display. The indicator to the left of the numbers will inform
you whether CHN (channel number) or FRQ (frequency) is
being displayed. If Channel is displayed, go to the
CHANNEL section to continue operating in the channel mode.
If you wish to operate in the frequency mode, go to
FREQUENCY section.
If you are in CHN and wish to see FRQ, press the “FREQ”
button. If you are in the FRQ mode and wish the display to
show channel information, simply press “CHAN”. If the