The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Master Oscillator with Oven
(Schematic J30100920)
The master oscillator is a self-contained crystal / FET 11.94 MHz oscillator within
a tightly controlled oven operating at 65°C. The oscillator produces a 4Vpp sine
wave signal at a frequency of 11.94 MHz ±3.4 Hz over a temperature range of -30
degrees C to +50 degrees C. The oscillator is coupled to the PLL chip IC610 and
is buffered to pin 14 of that chip. The master oscillator is used as a reference for
all the VCOs to establish the required frequencies determined by the micro-
processor assembly. The oscillator is limited to a deviation of 3.4 Hz due to the
division scheme utilized in the VCOs to correspond to a maximum deviation of
±10 Hz on the output of the unit in transmit and on the highest operating marine
frequency band of 25 MHz.
Crystal Oven
(Schematic J30100920)
The 11.94 MHz reference oscillator is maintained at a constant temperature by a
solid state regulated oven. The temperature regulating circuit includes a power
transistor (
) and a temperature sensing thermistor. On a cold start, the
control transistor is full on and a maximum current of approximately 300 milli-
ampers flows. When the equilibrium temperature is reached, the current drops
to a low level just sufficient to maintain the set temperature.
The complete oven assembly is enclosed in a thermal cover which retains the
heat, reducing the amount of power required and providing more precise control
of the oven temperature.