The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Serial Logic Switches
(Schematic J30100500)
These serially loaded switches are contained in IC3 and IC4 on the LPA. The
microprocessor sends a serial 16 bit word out along the data line while CS4 is
held low. The 16 bit word is then latched into the two ICs and reflected on the
output as either an open or closed collector. These high or low impedances
control all the relays, High / Low power setting, high temperature protection
circuitry, and the receive and transmit control voltages. The control voltages are
used in determining the direction of IF frequencies and filters on the exciter and
to enable RF power output.
Tone Generator
(Schematic J30100920)
The tone generator is a PLL used strictly as a programmable divider. The PLL
takes the reference frequency 11.94 MHz and divides it down to a frequency that
can be used to produce an audio tone. Since there is a divide-by-4 circuit after
the PLL, the microprocessor assembly must take this into account.
For example
for a desired tone of 1000 Hz, the microprocessor programs the PLL with the
following result; 11940000/4/1000=2985
This would also mean that any deviation by the reference oscillator will be
reflected in the tone by a 4000 to 1 ratio. For a 3 Hz deviation on the reference
clock, there would only be a .0075 Hz deviation on the tone output.
Oven Switch
On the back of the unit is a switch labelled
. If
there is power to the radio, this switch is used to select whether the power to the
oven unit is supplied continuously (
) or only comes on when the SG-2000
itself is turned on (
). Selecting either option depends on the operator’s
situation. Selecting
will keep the oven at the proper temperature even
when the radio is off and enable immediate transmission upon turning on the
radio; however, it will put a very small drain on your power source. Selecting the
position will eliminate this drain but you will need to let the SG-2000 warm
up for 10 minutes after turning it on before you can transmit. SGC recommends
that if you are operating a fixed station on AC power, use the
position; if
you are operating a mobile or marine station powered by a battery and go long
periods between using the radio, select the
Alarm Generator
The alarm generator is for emergency use only and is activated by pressing two
keys on the front panel. It generates two tones at 1300 and 2200 Hz using the
tone generator mentioned above. The individual tone durations are intervals of
250 mS, and alternate for 45 seconds. The 250 mS time intervals are measured
internally by the microprocessor clock. The 45 second alarm time is generated by
a calender clock used in keeping track of the date and present time.