The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
With an SG-2000, all you need to figure out is where the power switch is and know
enough to hit the channel button until four dashes appear ( - - - - ), punch in 403 (the
channel number desired) and press the channel button again to select the frequency.
From this point, the radio will do the rest. You should know that when an SG-2000 is
turned on, the speaker volume automatically comes up to a usable level. And if you are
using one of our Smartuners™, it handles the antenna adjustments automatically.
Throughout this manual, we will be using the following terms:
refers to the SG-2000 memory — the electronic box full of information.
refers to the pre-programmed international standard channels which are
permanently etched into the SG-2000 at the factory along with our own 65-channel
collection of ham band edges which are also included.
User Memory"
refers to the user definable positions which you should think of as
channels 1 through 99.
"Scan Bank #"
refers to one of up to six banks of up to 10 channels each which may be
assigned at user discretion.
Programmed Scan"
refers to scanning of the contents of the various scan banks or
operating in the band scanning mode.
Channel Scan"
refers to a sequential scan of channels.
"Frequency Scan"
refers to scanning up or down from a certain frequency.
"Band Scan"
refers to scanning a range of frequencies defined by a lower and upper
limit. This may also be referred to as bracketed scanning defined by an upper
frequency and lower frequency.
Again, "Channels" has two meanings:
• A channel is a memory reference number assigned to a particular frequency.
• It also may be the ITU channel designator number.
User memories have numbers 1 through 99.
One other important concept related to memory is that the SG-2000 handles assignment
of information based on channel number. This means that when you wish to delete a
channel, you must handle deletion from the channel display, not the frequency display.