The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
600 ? Port/Audio Out Check
Set RF Generator to .5µV 10,001.0 KHz
Set the receiver to 10,000.0 KHz, A3J, VOC, USB. A 1 KHz sinusoidal tone
should be heard on the speaker and monitored on the scope.
The following values should be read at J103 pin 3 (Audio Out):
min AGC,
mid-range AGC,
max AGC,
R286 fully
R286 at mid value
R286 fully counter-
Audio Out
2.5 ±.5 Vpp
1.8 ±.2 Vpp, no clipping
1.0 ±.2 Vpp, no clipping
Head Port Audio Out
Set RF Generator to .5 µV 10,001.0 KHz.
Set the receiver to 10,000.0 KHz, A3J, VOC, USB.
A tone should be heard and monitored on speaker and oscilloscope.
The following values should be read at J503 and J504, pins 9 and 10, with
reference to GND:
min AGC
mid-range AGC at R286
(R286 fully
(R286 at mid-value)
Audio Out
1.5 ±.2 Vpp
.5 ±.1 Vpp
Voice/Telex Filters Check
Telex: Set the radio to 10,000.0 KHz, A3J, USB, SPK, TLX
Set RF Generator to 10,001.0 KHz.
Monitor the audio tone on the dB meter and frequency counter attached at J301
audio out and move the RF generator through the audio band until a
maximum audio signal is found. This should be 1700 ±100 Hz, flat within 3 dB.
Voice: Change mode on the radio to VOC. The audio band-pass should be
wider; 350 to 3200 Hz, flat within 3 dB.