The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
then put through the USB filter to get rid of inter-modulation and the other
sideband. Both upper and lower sidebands can be sent through this filter by
changing the mixing schemes through out the radio with an offset equal to the
USB filter bandwidth.
This signal is then bumped up to the IF frequency between 82 and 86 MHz
(along with a re-injected 10.7 MHz for carrier for A3A and A3H modes only).
The 82 MHz filter is used to attenuate the LO frequency and other
miscellaneous signals outside its range. The signal is then amplified and mixed
down to the RF frequency. A 30 MHz filter band-limits the signals going out
before the transmit buffer increases the transmit level to the level needed to
drive the LPA.
Test Setup
Make a visual inspection. Look for quality defects. Check all electrolytic
capacitors, diodes, transistors, IC's, solder bridges, etc.
Use the multimeter in the Ohms position. Check for short circuits on the main
and regulated power lines: 5VG, 8VG, 10VG, 10VRX, 10VTX, 13.6VSW and
13.6V unswitched.
Connect extender cable from J15 on the Test Chassis to J506 on the exciter
board under test.
Connect extender cable from J1 on the Test Microprocessor board to J501 on the
exciter board under test.
Plug SG-2000 Head into J503 or J504 connector.
Apply power to the exciter by pressing the "POWER" button on the Head and
turn radio on.
Using the multimeter test each test point for the following voltages.
Program the frequency 15.0 MHz into the head to verify if head displays data
and there is interaction between radio and head. Refer to operating
instructions for programming procedures.