The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
To lock out a channel in scan mode:
While scanning, wait for a channel to appear and press the
“SHIFT/FUNC” button.
Press the “8” or “20 dB/ATTN” button.
To toggle forward power and SWR display in transmit:
Press the “SHIFT/FUNC” button.
Press the “9” or “PWR/HI LO” button.
Transmit Channel Locking
The SG-2000 includes a provision in software for locking the radio into
channelized operation only. We recommend that this function be invoked when-
ever you are using an SG-2000 in a maritime mobile situation where only one
operator knowledgeable about direct entry of frequencies is aboard. In this way,
the persons aboard the vessel, who might need to operate the SG-2000 in an
emergency, need only be taught how to call for help on the desired emergency
channels. Please note that the channels include major ham frequencies on the 75,
40 and 20 meter bands where distress assistance may be available. When the lock
is invoked, reception on all frequencies is possible, but transmitting will only
occur on programmed channels (including those which are user defined).
Lock for Channelized Operation Only
Use the following key sequence to lock out direct entry of transmit frequencies:
“SHIFT/FUNC”, “8”, “8”, “CHAN”
Unlock Channelized Only Operation
Use the following sequence to enable transmit capability on all direct entry
frequencies plus frequencies which are contained in channel memories:
“SHIFT/FUNC”, “8”, “7”, “CHAN”