The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
If an ALE system is linked, and operation of the link is disrupted through
random noise or deliberate jamming, the controllers will establish communi-
cations on another channel.
This function, called link protection, is controlled
export technology and may not be exported to other countries without a permit
issued by the U.S. Department of State. In addition, export of ALE controllers to
certain countries is banned. Contact SGC directly for the current list of banned
The controller supplied by SGC will provide for three modes of orderwire.
These three modes use a low speed 75 baud data circuit which operates
substantially below the lowest usable voice channel quality by application of
digital signal processing to literally pull signals out of the noise.
The Automatic Message Display allows for the display of alpha-numeric text
messages of up to 80 characters in length. The Data Text Message mode allows
stations to communicate messages between any selected stations for direct out-
put to or from associated DTE devices. (This facility also allows for error-free
transmission of text files and computer files which include the full ASCII
character set.) The Data Block Message mode is a high speed means of
transferring orderwire messages with improved performance against long fades,
noise bursts, and — to a degree — electronic counter measures.
Serial Communication Protocol
The SG-2000 communicates with the ALE controller via a serial communications
port on the controller and the RS-232 serial port (D-subminiature 9 pin
connector) on the rear panel of the SG-2000. The SG-2000 serial line parameters
are preset to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit.
All SG-2000 remote control commands consist of five parts as follows:
The "ATTENTION" signal. This consists of forcing the serial control line
into a "break" (or "SPACE" [+V]) condition for a period of approximately
10 mS. This is then followed by a similarly 10 mS. period of a "MARK'" [-
V] condition.
ID/Byte Count. This consists of a single 8 bit character. The upper 4 bits
should be set to zero to identify this as a command from a "computer"
interface. The lower 4 bits are used to indicate the number of bytes to
follow but not including the checksum byte. The range of this value will
be from 01 ( byte 1) to 0F ( byte 15).
Command Code. The ALE controller requires the use of only three of the
many commands available under the SG-2000 control system: RESET,