The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Please note that the radio arrived in a polyethylene bag which includes the instruction
manual, warranty registration card and a quick reference card. Information on use of
AT&T High Seas services is also provided for your convenience. The plastic bag
protects the unit from dust and moisture when shipping. If there is condensation on the
inside of the polyethylene bag because the radio was subjected to extreme change of
temperature during shipment, please leave the plastic covering on the radio until it has
come up to ambient temperature and the condensation has evaporated.
You will notice a piece of foam rubber on the face plate of the radio, held in place with
tape. It is designed to protect the plastic face plate of the LCD. Whenever you are
shipping an SG-2000, it is good practice to secure a cover over the LCD. Small scratches
in the face plate of the LCD may be removed with Plexiglas™ cleaner such as is used to
clean aircraft windows.
The SG-2000 should be closely inspected upon arrival. As the units leave the SGC
factory, they are in perfect operating condition. Should you notice any bent sheet
metal, or flecks of paint in the shipping box, you may assume that the radio has taken a
hard shock somewhere in shipping.
The radio will usually continue to operate, even if subjected to abuse in shipping, but
please make sure that if you notice any shipping damage, you file a damage report
immediately with the carrier.
In the unlikely event that your unit has been damaged in shipping, your dealer can
instruct you on how to handle servicing or replacing the unit. If your dealer does not
know the proper procedure, you may contact SGC directly.
SGC provides a complete five-year parts and labor guarantee. However, this guarantee
does not apply to radios which are used in para-military and military operations, as
combat conditions are specifically excluded from our guarantee.