The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
This button engages/disables the alarm time programmed into
the unit. (See Function Operation Instructions). When en-
gaged, the unit will automatically shut down at midnight if
there is no previous pre-programmed time. The SG-2000 may
be programmed to turn on, tune to a pre-assigned frequency
and mode of operation to receive daily broadcasts. At the end
of these broadcasts, the radio can then be programmed to turn
itself off.
This feature is used to schedule receiving weather faxes in
unattended operation. It may also turn on the radio for a
regularly scheduled net or if you want to use the SG-2000 as a
sophisticated clock radio.
This function displays the frequency being received or trans-
mitted. If the Channel is currently displayed, pressing the
Frequency key will switch the display to the receive frequency
of the channel. If the frequency is being displayed, pressing
this key, then the up or down arrows will change the operating
frequency of the radio.
If an arrow button is depressed and held down, the SG-2000
will begin tuning in discrete steps ( as small as 100 Hz or as
large as 5 KHz) until the button is released or the end of it's
frequency range is reached. The size of the frequency steps is
adjustable. See the Shift/Function section for details of
changing frequency steps using the SHIFT/FUNC + FREQ
The Scan button engages the automatic scanning functions of
the SG-2000. The scanning function operates in three different
modes; scanning by frequency, scanning by channel, and
scanning by scan bank. Scanning may also be controlled by an
external device such as a computer or ALE controller. When
operated by an ALE controller the SG-2000 will scan at speeds
in excess of 5 channels per second. Manual operation is
variable from 5 seconds per channel to approximately 5
channels per second.
In the frequency mode, the SG-2000 will scan up or down in
discrete steps defined by the Step Function. By pressing either
the up or down arrow, the direction of the scan can be changed
to direct the scan to the desired frequency range. If the squelch
is activated in scan, the unit will continue scanning until
activity breaks the squelch. The unit will then pause for 5