The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Short Haul Modems/Auto-Answer Devices
The second way to achieve remote control of the SG-2000 is to use a number of
telephone lines and a short haul modem. The configuration is basically the same
as the extension via telephone wiring, described above, but short haul modems
(1200 baud) are used to improve the reliability of the computer data which is
exchanged between the control head and the main radio unit.
The audio and PTT circuits may be extended using either separate wiring and a
voice-operated transmit telephone patch, such as the SGC TEL-TWO (SGC Part
Number: 52-75), and a separate DC loop for PTT control, or by installing three
pairs for audio: Two for receive, two for transmit, and a PTT pair. (Please see
Line of Demarcation
SGC has found it important in all remote control installations involving the SG-
2000 and PRC-2250 series radios to make clear from the outset of design and
installation that the responsibility of SGC is to provide the highest quality radios
available. However, the responsibility of SGC does not extend to design of
computer networks, microwave networks, fiber optic systems, or telephone
systems which are used to control the radios unless specifically negotiated and
agreed to in advance.
The distinction is this: SGC and its world wide dealers are responsible for pro-
vision of equipment only and do not provide system design or warrant
operations beyond the specifications of the radio equipment. The lines of
demarcation (or "demark" in telephone company terminology) is as follows:
Remote Control:
RS-232 (DIN-9) plug of SG-2000/PRC-2250
Remote Audio:
J-301 rear panel of SG-2000/PRC-2250
Push to Talk:
J-301 rear panel of SG-2000/PRC-2250
SGC is not responsible for providing integration with
networks, devices, and systems which are beyond demark.
SGC and its dealers do not provide system integration with complex networks.
Such services may be undertaken from time to time by either SGC or its dealers,
but arrangements to do so are always separate agreements from supply of radio