The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
control for local use at short to moderate distances.
This radio would need to be controllable by a computer or its own control heads
and it would have to support control from up to eight locations all at the same
time. It would also be nice if the radio could be directed through a local area
network with one computer on the network operating as a gateway.
In addition, the eight locations would have to be connected via an intercom, the
radio would need to be of high physical strength, and would be able to operate
over extremes of temperature and humidity.
The SG-2000 would also have to meet exacting performance standards for frequency
stability and for speed of operations in order to accommodate some of the more exotic
demands of the para-military and military markets.
The result of the design effort is the SG-2000, the world's first truly computer-directed
civilian radio. Many of the attributes of the SG-2000 can be found in very expensive
military units, some costing 10 times the price of an SG-2000 and not generally available
to the public.
In 1992, SGC introduced a ruggedized version of the SG-2000 designed for para-military
use called the PRC-2250 MIL. This radio features many SG-2000 options ordered by
(para) military organizations. It is finished in an olive drab color and comes with a
military type shock mount with a waterproof handset standard, which distinguishes it
from the SG-2000 in appearance.
In 1994, SGC introduced a SlimPak version. The SlimPak has all the features of the SG-
2000 and uses the same control head; yet the main unit measures a full 1 inch less in
height, enabling placement in much tighter quarters.
In 1995, SGC introduced a new model of the SG-2000 control head called the
PowerTalk™ that incorporates ADSP™ and SNS™ noise reduction and noise filtering