The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Enter the frequency digits including the first number to the right of
the decimal point. If you are satisfied with the mode and are not
working duplex (that is, a different receive and transmit
frequencies), go to Step 4. Otherwise, continue here.
Optional: After you have keyed in the digits for the direct entry
frequency you may change two other variables. You can specify mode
and specify a transmit frequency if you wish it to be different from the
receive frequency.
You may press the “FREQ” button again at this time to enter
MODE information and select the desired sideband (USB or LSB).
You may press the “FREQ” button once more to bring up 6 dashes
which are displayed as [ - - - - - - ]. This is where you enter your
desired transmitter frequency.
Note: While most of the ITU High Seas voice channels use relatively small
frequency differences of under 1 MHz, the SG-2000 may be operated with
any difference desired. For example, if you wanted to transmit on 2 MHz
and listen on 26 MHz, this is easily within the capability of the SG-2000.
Press “PRGM” to enter the information into memory and execute
the function.
Frequency Change - Incremental
To change frequency a relatively small distance, you may use the
following sequence.
Press "FREQ" once if FRQ flag is on, twice if CHN flag is on.
Press the “Up” or “Down” arrows.
You will notice that the frequency displayed is changing by the increment
specified by the
Change Frequency Scan Step
Clarifier Use
When you are on the desired channel or frequency, you may fine tune the
receiver by using the Clarifier. This allows the receiver to tune ± 600 Hz
from the current frequency and may be used to make a voice sound more
natural. Alternatively, it may be used to adjust the tone of a CW station to
a desired frequency.
The sequence to use the Clarifier is:
Press “CLAR.”
Press the “Up” or “Down” arrows.