The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Customers may sell unmodified copies of the software pro-
vided that the customer has purchased one copy for each
copy sold.
All copyright notices shall be retained on all copies of the
SGC, Inc shall be absolved from all liability resulting from the use
of this software. SGC's sole liability will be for free replacement of
damaged software.
SGC, Inc. reserves all title to the software which is copyrighted
property of SGC, Inc.
6. RS-232 Software Troubleshooting
PROBLEM: When I type "SGC" (and enter) the computer responds
with "Bad Command or File Name".
SOLUTION: Make sure you have logged onto the drive containing
the SG-2000 software.
PROBLEM: When I type "SGC" (and enter) the computer flashes a
message "Communications not established, please check con-
nections and try again."
SOLUTION: Check cable connections first. If all is well, then the
next most probable cause is that one of the cables you have tried
using is a null modem cable. If this is the case, either replace the
cable with a standard one or exchange pins 2 and 3 on one end of
the null modem cable.
SG-2000 RS-232 Software Technical Support
All current changes to this software may be found in the ASCII file titled
READ.ME which is included on the software disk.
We hope you do not encounter problems operating our SG-2000 software, but in
the event you do, software technical support is available Monday to Friday from
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time at the following:
(206) 746-6310
(206 ) 746-6384