The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Verify that V2 - V1 = 4.5 VDC ± 0.5 VDC.
Temperature Sensor Check
The Temperature Sensor is built around IC1 on the LPA board and functions as
At room temperature, the voltages on pins 1, 2 and 3 of IC1 are as follows:
IC1 pin 1 = 3.6 VDC
IC1 pin 2 = 0.05 VDC
IC1 pin 3 = 0.92 VDC
When the temperature of the heatsink reaches;
+55° C ±5° C
(the low temperature trigger) the voltage on pin 2 of IC1 is = the
voltage on pin 3. This will cause the voltage on pin 1 of IC1 to drop to near 0,
which will be sensed by the Main CPU board. Data will be sent 1) to the Head
to flash the TEMP indicator, 2) to IC4 to pull pin 14 low (IC1 pin 2 will again go
lower than pin 3 and pin 1 will go higher) and 3) to IC4 to pull pin 13 low to
start the fan running.
+70° ±5° C
(high temperature trigger) 1) the fan will continue running, 2) IC4
pin 15 will go low which will switch the radio to Low Power transmit mode
and 3) LO PWR will be displayed on the Head and the TEMP indicator keeps
On LPA Test Box, SW4 is a 3 position switch
Middle = L4 will stop lighting when temperature reaches low temp trigger
Right = L4 will stop lighting when temperature reaches high temp trigger
Left = Simulation of low temp trigger point
In normal LPA testing on the bench, the temperature of the heatsink at
thermister R75 is not allowed to reach trigger points. LPA Test Box simulates
the increase of resistance with temperature and reaching the low temperature
trigger points when SW4 is in the left position.
On LPA Test Box, turn SW3 to RCV position.
Flip SW4 through the 3 positions. If the temperature is less than 55° C ±5° C, L4
will stop lighting only in the Left position.