The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
This cable assembly is not supplied by SGC. This information is furnished solely
for customers to successfully build their own cables. However, a standard modem
cable with a 9-pin male end and either a 9- or 25-pin female end (available both
ways) is normally set up this way and will function efficiently if these three wires
are verified to be connected as shown.
A null modem cable can be made to work by changing the orientation of J3
on the SG-2000 MicroProcessor assembly as follows:
1. Remove the top cover of the SG-2000.
2. Note the orientation of the 3 pin connector (J3) which is at the end of the
wires coming from the rear panel RS-232 connector.
3. Unplug the 3 pin connector (J3).
4. Rotate J3 180 degrees and re-connect it.
5. Re-install SG-2000 top cover.