The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
mode is best. On the short wave broadcast bands, scanning at
5 KHz is great!
The Rate function allows you to select pre-programmed
scanning speeds of both frequencies and channels which range
from .2 seconds to 40 seconds. See Section 13.11, Changing
Frequency or Channel Scan Rates, for specific rates.
Program Functions
As was mentioned earlier, remember that the PRGM key means two things. At the
beginning of a key sequence, it means “OK, do the following.” At the end of a key
sequence, it means “OK, enter the preceding and execute the command.”
The Program Functions allow the operator to program the following:
Up to 100 channels can be entered by the operator. These
channels will remain a part of the pre-programming of the unit
until deleted by the operator. All pertinent information such
as USB/LSB mode, VOC/TLX, and Attenuator can be
programmed by means of this function and mode.
Clock / Date
The current time or date can be entered by means of this
The Timer function allows the unit to power itself on or off at
any time to a specific preprogrammed frequency or channel of
your choice .
This function is used to select any frequency between 500 KHz
thru 30 MHz (transmit has been disabled below 1.6 MHz.)
Care should be taken not to transmit on restricted frequencies.
This function is used to program the different banks used by
the scanning function. The bank number is programmed first,
then the desired channels to be contained in that bank. The up
or down arrows are used to step through each bank.
Lock Feature
The SG-2000 can be limited to channelized operation. This
function is used to prevent transmission on any frequency
chosen to be locked out. This is useful in areas where there are
restricted frequencies in which to operate. (See
Channel Locking
on page 73 of this manual for the sequence to
turn the feature on and off.)
Operating Session
This section will give you practical key entry sequences which will make operating the