The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
For more information on controlling the SG-2000 via computer, see Section 16.5 of this
manual regarding "Computer Networks - Serial Control" and the parts of Section 17.0
dealing with RS-232 software.
Control Heads
There are several design considerations behind the SG-2000 control head which you
should know about in order to appreciate the beauty of the architecture of the radio.
Our many years of manufacturing experience have taught us the value of absolute
reliability and of the importance of easy reparability in the field. Such philosophies as
designing in a 10-conductor control cable between our radios and remote heads rather
than a fiber optic cable is one example. SGC has learned that while fiber optics are an
excellent material, they are not easily reparable in the middle of the desert or ocean.
SGC products are designed for field repair and performance where well-engineered
products dramatically become evident.
SG-2000 Front Panel
The front of the SG-2000 controls all radio functions. All of the push buttons are
rubberized to provide good tactile response and to keep the radio highly resistant to
water and dust, two of the worst enemies of electronic equipment.
The LCD which displays the frequency is the largest available on a radio of this type.
The speaker is treated to resist moisture. The speaker grill is designed to prevent direct
spray from hitting the speaker.
Because the front panel has been ruggedly built, the advantage of mounting the more
sensitive radio unit elsewhere becomes apparent.
SG-2000 Rear Panel
A series of Jacks on the back of the SG-2000 provide access to radio features and
accessories. Most of these jacks are covered by a metal "U" bracket which is held in
place by three small Phillips head machine screws. If you ever have occasion to remove
this cover, it is important that it be replaced in order to provide physical protection for
the jacks.
Under the "U" bracket, from left to right, you will find a jack to plug in one of the family
of SGC's Smartuners. The next plug (J-301) presents audio input and output lines, plus
push-to-talk control. This is where Weatherfax, data controllers (such as an SGC
Telerex™ SITOR modem), and ALE units are plugged in.
The next two jacks are for plugging in two control heads. If you are using more than
one control head, one will plug in to the right hand head plug while a multiple plug
adapter unit plugs into the left control head jack and provides for up to seven
additional head connections.