The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Are there any audio filters available?
The short answer is no, not in the SG-2000 itself. However, our new product,
PowerTalk™ offers several types of digital audio filtering processes. See
question 6.
What are the actual values represented by the bar graph?
Bar graph indications are for reference only and do not have a numerical
equivalent. In CW mode, you should see almost all bars displayed on the
forward scale. In voice, about half the bars displayed is normal. In reverse
power position, 0 to 1 bar is normal if external coupler is tuned. In a non-tuned
state, between 0 to 5 bars displayed is possible depending on degree of antenna
Is a noise blanker option available?
For noise suppression, SGC recently introduced the PowerTalk™ head with
ADSP™ noise suppression.
Can the SG-2000 be mounted in other than an upright position?
The SG-2000 head or chassis or complete unit can be mounted in any position,
as long as there is sufficient clearance maintained for adequate air flow around
the unit or chassis.
Practical tips for installation of radios/couplers on sailboats and motorboats.
Sailboats - use your backstay only, see section 15.3, page 82.
Motorboats - use the tallest whip antenna practical (28 feet; 23 foot antenna
somewhat too short to be efficient). Also, use a long wire antenna if possible —
60 to 120 feet, the longer the better.
Radios with the head remoted - install the radio section of the SG-2000 next to
the battery system.
Radios with the head attached - Install the complete unit as close to the battery
system as possible.
Grounds on boats - use all metal structures tied together. If not feasible, use 3 to
4 ground radial wire inside the bottom of the boat.