The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
and helps to prevent signal overload when communicating
with nearby stations. Signal overload occurs only when your
location is extremely close to another transmitting station or
the amount of signal arriving at your location is extremely high
due to high power transmitters and high gain directional
antennas being used.
If your SG-2000 is operated in the area of high power broad-
cast stations, you will appreciate that the SG-2000 comes with a
Broadcast Band filter. This filter will virtually eliminate all AM
broadcast signals allowing the SG-2000 to operate in the same
room with very high power AM broadcast transmitters.
Power to the transmitter is controlled by this button. When
power is reduced, or on LO, the maximum output power is
approximately 35% of the full power available. This feature
can be used when your normal power output is overloading
(saturating) the receiver of the station with whom you are
communicating. In the LO power mode, the SG-2000
consumes less DC current and will therefore reduce power
consumption from the supply battery. This feature is
recommended to save the life of the battery and is useful when
using the SG-2000 under sail or when solar and other power
sources are low.
The SG-2000's intercom system is unique, allowing
communication between the user and any or all of up to eight
separate control heads. By engaging this button and "0", the
user may communicate with all control heads by using the
microphone. Engaging this button then pressing the number
of another control head (1 - 8) enables the user to privately
communicate with a specific control head. The control head ID
numbers are programmed at the factory and the control head
number, which is permanently etched into the memory of the
control head MicroProcessor can be displayed by pressing the
"SHIFT/FUNC" and then the number 0 on the keypad. The
LCD will display the head number in the frequency window.
The lower left hand corner of the display shows the current
time or date. Either option may be selected by engaging this
button. The default setting preferred by most users is the clock
function. Time is displayed in military (24 hour) format. If
you are making position sightings, you may wish to check the
clock periodically against the U.S. Bureau of Standards time
stations, WWV and WWVH. These may be found 24 hours a