The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
Coupler Port Check
J502 provides a coupler (like the SG-230 Pro and SG-235) with 13.6V and takes
receive tuning status indication which is then passed to the Head and
displayed as TND.
Putting J501 pin 3 to GND momentarily should have the result of the TND
indicator being displayed.
Alarm Generator Check
Connect a 50? dummy load to the SG-2000 RF Out and verify that a 2-tone
telephony alarm signal is automatically transmitted in A3J, USB, VOC, Hi PWR
modes for 45 seconds by pressing:
SHIFT - keep depressed
EMER - press momentarily
The alarm generator can be stopped at any time by pressing the EMER key.
Power Failure Recovery Check
With the radio in receive, turn the power supply off.
Wait two minutes then turn the power supply back on. The radio should turn
on by itself and be in the same frequency and mode as before the power shut
This is a list of the most common reasons for test failures. DC and RF levels
should be those noted in the Voltages Values tables
Receive Troubleshooting
1) dB S/N at J301 Audio Out is less than 10 dB for PCB versions F and earlier or
less than 15 dB for versions G and later.
Check that the attenuator is OFF.
2) No receive in A3H mode
Check that FL202 was selected only
Check that the AM detector voltage levels are correct and that Q506 is
turned on.
3) AGC Failure