The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
LPA Testing Procedures
This section details the procedures for testing the LPA PCB of the SG-2000
Required Testing Equipment
Working LPA sample
12 inch/lbs calibrated torque wrench
RF Signal Generator with capability of +3 dBm 1.6-30 MHz RF out
Power Supply Capable of at least 30 Amps at 13.6 Volts (PS-35)
Connection Cables
Spectrum Analyzer
Tracking Generator
50 ? 200 W Dummy Load Antenna 30 dB attenuator
Watt Meter and 250 W slug
SGC LPA Test Box, SGC-Twin Current Meter
Variable Power Supply 5-40 V, > or = 2A
Circuit description
The LPA (linear power amplifier) has two pages to the schematic, J30100500.
Transmit RF is received from the exciter on connector J1. The signal is
amplified by Q1. Transformer T2 splits the signal for the Class "B" amplifier
containing transistors Q2 and Q3. The signal is combined and then split again
for the dual Class "B" final amplifier containing transistors Q6, Q7, Q10 and
Q11. The signal is recombined and sent to the filter section. Note: the final
amplifiers get power directly from the power supply. The filter section is
controlled by IC3 and IC4. There are six low pass elliptical filters which are
selected based on the transmit and receive frequencies. Relay K1 switches the
filters between the transmit and receive paths.
The forward and reverse RF power is detected by transformers T13 and T14.
The signals are rectified. The rectified signals are used for the ALC (automatic
level control), VSWR shutdown and the analog to digital converter, IC5. The
digitized signals are sent to the exciter where they are eventually used to drive
the VSWR and FWD meter on the display.
The SG-2000 has protection from over and reverse voltages as well as transient
spikes. The voltage protection circuit uses a normally open relay which is only
closed when the proper voltage is applied. Diode D1 prevents current from
flowing during reverse polarity conditions. Transistors Q19, Q20 and Q21 form
a logic switch. Diode D11 sets the level of the logic switch. During normal
operation, transistor Q20 is on and Q19 and Q21 are off. Current flows through