6 List Sequence Measurements
Build New Sequence (Remote Command Only)
This command is the SCPI equivalent of the waveform sequence creation features described in
This command writes a waveform sequence file to the hard disk. You must specify the waveform sequence
file path and filename which will be saved on the hard disk, and the waveform segment file path and name
which will be nested into the waveform sequence file. You can utilize mass storage unit specifier (MSUS)
“NVWFM” or use a real full path representation. See the example below. MSUS “NVWFM” is mapped to D:
VARB directory on test set hard disk.
Any number of segments, up to a segment count limit of 64, can be used to create a sequence. Repeated
segments are included in the count limit.
Each waveform segment name string length upper limit is 128 chars. Please do NOT insert waveform which
name string exceeds 128 chars.
The internal source does not support nesting one waveform sequence file into another waveform
sequence file.
Remote Command
:SOURce:RADio:ARB:SEQuence[:MWAVeform] <filename>, <waveform1>, <reps>,
NONE | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M1M2 | M1M3 | M1M4 | M2M3 | M2M4 | M3M4 |
M1M2M3 | M1M2M4 | M1M3M4 | M2M3M4 | M1M2M3M4 | ALL, {<waveform2>,
<reps>, NONE | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M1M2 | M1M3 | M1M4 | M2M3 | M2M4 |
M3M4 | M1M2M3 | M1M2M4 | M1M3M4 | M2M3M4 | M1M2M3M4 | ALL, } …
(For additional description of each item, see Notes below
“For Setup
:SOURce:RADio:ARB:SEQuence[:MWAVeform]? <filename>
(For additional description of each item, see Notes
For setup:
>:SOUR:RAD:ARB:SEQ “NVWFM:testSeq1.seq”, “NVWFM:wfmSegment1.wfm”, 10, M2M3M4,
“NVWFM:wfmSegment2.wfm”, 20, M1M3
>:SOUR:RAD:ARB:SEQ “D: VARB\testSeq1.seq”, “ D: VARB\wfmSegment1.wfm”, 10, M2M3M4, “ D:
VARB\wfmSegment2.wfm”, 20, M1M3
For query, must specify which waveform sequence file to query.
>:SOUR:RAD:ARB:SEQ? “NVWFM:testSeq1.seq”
>:SOUR:RAD:ARB:SEQ? “D: VARB\testSeq1.seq”,
For Setup SCPI
For the Setup SCPI command, the parameters are:
<filename> - String Type
This variable specifies the path and name for the waveform sequence file. The path supports MSUS
(NVWFM) or a real full path representation. See example.
<waveform1> - String Type
This variable specifies the path and name of the first existing waveform segment. The path supports
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference