2 Programming the Test Set
Common Commands
Identification Query
Returns a string of instrument identification information. The string will contain the model number, serial
number, and firmware revision.
The response is organized into four fields separated by commas. The field definitions are as follows:
Serial number
Firmware version
Key Path
No equivalent key. See related key System, Show System.
Remote Command
*IDN? Returns instrument identification information, such as:
Keysight Technologies, E6650A, US01020004, E.14.50
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Modified at S/W Revision
Operation Complete
The *OPC command sets bit 0 in the standard event status register (SER) to “1” when pending operations
have finished, that is when all overlapped commands are complete. It does not hold off subsequent
operations. You can determine when the overlapped commands have completed either by polling the OPC
bit in SER, or by setting up the status system such that a service request (SRQ) is asserted when the OPC
bit is set.
The *OPC? query returns a “1” after all the current overlapped commands are complete. So it holds off
subsequent commands until the "1” is returned, then the program continues. This query can be used to
synchronize events of other instruments on the external bus.
Remote Command
INIT:CONT 0 Selects single sweeping.
INIT:IMM Initiates a sweep.
*OPC? Holds off any further commands until the sweep is complete.
Status Bits/OPC
Not global to all remote ports or front panel. *OPC only considers operation that was initiated on the
same port as the *OPC command was issued from.
*OPC is an overlapped command, but *OPC? is sequential.
Backwards Compatibility
1. The ESA/PSA/VSA products do not meet all the requirements for the *OPC command specified by
IEEE 488.2. This is corrected for X-Series. This will sometimes cause behavior that is not
backward compatible, but it will work as customers expect.
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference