6 List Sequence Measurements
List Sequence Measurements
a set of average.
Burst Width Result is the width of continuous active slots in the range specified by Analysis Time slot and
Measured Time Slots. (This result is NaN 9.91E+37 when Downlink PVT is measured.)
Trigger Diff Result is the time difference between the position of the trigger line and the start point of the
detected burst. (This result is NaN 9.91E+37 when trigger is Video Trigger or Free Run or Downlink PVT is
measured )
Ramp Up Time Result is the time difference between 10% and 90% voltage points (relative to peak) on the
positive slope of the burst, here burst has the same meaning in Burst width
Ramp Down Time Result is the time difference between 90% and 10% voltage points (relative to peak) on the
negative slope of the burst, here burst has the same meaning in Burst width.
Off Power/Off Power Before Result is the mean power measured during the transmitter OFF period. When
Direction is Uplink, this result is the OFF power during the sub-frame prior to the active sub-frame.
Off Power After Result is the OFF power during the sub-frame following the active burst.
Maximum Power Result is maximum peak level in the range specified by Analysis Time Slot and Measured Time
Slots (in dBm).
Minimum Power Result is the minimum peak level in the range specified by Analysis Time Slot and Measured
Time Slots (in dBm)
Actual Sample Interval Result is a floating point number representing the time between samples of
uncompressed I/Q trace data.
Actual Number of Samples Result is the number of data points in the uncompressed I/Q trace data.
Trace Sample Interval Result is a floating point number representing the time between samples of
compressed/decimated I/Q trace data which could be got by trace query.
Number of Trace Samples Result is the number of data points in the compressed/decimated I/Q trace data
which could be got by trace query.
The following command is used to retrieve the measurement trace
This command returns acquired I/Q trace data used in analysis step interval as a series of comma-
separated trace point values. The I values are listed in each pair, using 0 through even-indexed values. The
Q values are odd-indexed values.
At most 2000 sample data can be returned (one sample contains one I data and one Q data). If the actual
number of samples exceeds 2000, then actual trace data will be compressed/decimated to 2000 and be
returned as the trace data.
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