6 List Sequence Measurements
Key Path
Source, List Sequencer, List Sequencer Setup, Step Duration
SCPI is supported after A.09.40
Initial S/W Revision
Duration Time
Allows you to specify the length of time the current step will play.
When Step Duration is
this parameter specifies the maximum duration that the
waveform will continue to play after a step trigger is received before the transition to the next waveform
will occur. Duration is limited to a maximum of 20 seconds.
If the Transition Time value is longer than the Step Duration Time, an error is generated when initiating a
source list sequence. For source list sequence, transition time is included in the step duration length (not
occupy additional time). If the Transition Time value is longer than the Step Duration Time, the real step
duration length is extended to equal the transition time and cause a timing shift. This check is also
described in section
Error! Reference source not found.
List Sequence Step Validation.
Key Path
Source, List Sequencer, List Sequencer Setup, Step Duration, Time
Remote Command
:SOURce:LIST:STEP[1]|2|3…1000:SETup:DURation:TCOunt <double>
SCPI is supported after A.09.40
This SCPI is reused by “Play Count” ,“Duration Time” and “Continuous Abort” according to current
Duration Type setting is “Play Count” or “Duraton Time” or “Continuous Abort”.
If current “Duration Type” is “Continuous”, then popup error –221,"Settings conflict;Cannot accept
time or count input when step duration type is Continuous on step #"
If “Duration Time” is set for the last step, the last step of ARB keeps playing as if set to “Continuous”
after set time expires. However, you can query Source Sweeping Condition Message
(:STAT:OPER:COND?) to find out if the current list sequence is complete or not.
1.00 ms
100 µs
1800 s
Initial S/W Revision
Play Count
Sets the duration of the current step to be an integer value for the number of times (play count) the ARB file
is selected for playback during this step. For example, a 5 second ARB will be set to play 5 times during the
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference