6 List Sequence Measurements
List Sequence Measurements
Res bandwidth
Filter shape
OBW % Power
OBW x dB
Limit / Limit Test State
Max value is 40MHz.
Set Full Span
Use Previous Span
Help Map ID
Modulation Accuracy Meas Setup
The Modulation Accuracy (Rho) measurement used in the other supported modes is used in the sequencer.
The measurement parameters usable within the List Sequencer measurement are listed below. For
complete details of each parameter, please see the online help associated with the measurement. The
SCPI commands with strikethroughs are in the one button meas but are not allowed to be used within the
List Sequencer measurement.
The SCPI that is used within the Sequence Analyzer mode is the same as in the original mode of the
measurement, except that two additional nodes are required in the Sequence Analyzer mode: one to
identify the List Sequencer measurement and one to identify the mode from which the measurement
comes. For example, [:SENSe]:RHO is replaced with
:CALCulate:LSEQuencer: EVDO:RHO:
The node name of LTE-FDD and LTE-TDD Modulation accuracy is CEVM, so:
[:SENSe]:CEVM is replaced with [:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:LTE:CEVM
[:SENSe]:CEVM is replaced with [:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:LTETdd:CEVM
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference