6 List Sequence Measurements
Load All To ARB Memory
Allows you to load all the segment files within the currently selected directory into ARB memory. If a file of
the same name already exists within ARB memory, it is overwritten. If you wish to load two segments of the
same name, you must rename one of the segments before loading it into ARB memory. To rename a
segment, you can either use Windows File Explorer, or the :MEMory:COPY command.
Key Path
Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Select Waveform, Segments on Hard Disk
Remote Command
:SOURce:RADio:ARB:LOAD:ALL <string>
<string> - specifies the directory on the HDD to load the files into ARB memory from.
When in Sequence Analyzer mode, and Include Source is Yes, an attempt to load all files from a
directory to ARB memory is rejected with an error.
When Include Source is No and there is insufficient free ARB memory to load all the waveforms,
when the ARB memory is full, the copy ceases, and an error is generated.
If you specify a directory over SCPI, but the directory does not exist, an error is generated.
If the ARB is ON, a user then loads or deletes file to ARB memory, the playing waveform segment
may not keep phase continuity during the ARB memory operation. The waveform will be replayed
after the ARB operation is finished.
Initial S/W Revision
Change Directory...
Allows you to change the currently selected directory on the hard disk. Pressing this key opens a standard
windows change directory dialog allowing you to select the new directory of interest.
The current directory is used for manually loading waveform segments into ARB memory for playback, and
as a search location for waveform segments that are required to be loaded into ARB memory for playback
of a waveform sequence or a list sequence.
Key Path
Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Select Waveform, Segments on Hard Disk
No remote command, SCPIfront panel only.
Initial S/W Revision
Default Directory...
Allows you to change the default directory. It is used as a search location for waveform segments that are
required to be loaded into ARB memory for playback of a waveform sequence, and as a search location for
selecting waveforms using SCPI.
Key Path
Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Select Waveform, Segments on Hard Disk
Remote Command
:SOURce:RADio:ARB:DEFault:DIRectory <string>
:SOURce:RADio:ARB: DEFault:DIRectory?
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference