6 List Sequence Measurements
The string must be a valid logical path.
Removes a file from the specified directory. The <file_name> parameter specifies the file name to be
removed. This command will generate an “access denied” error if the file is in a restricted folder (e.g.,
C:\Windows) and the current user does not have Power User or Administrator privileges.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Mass Storage Data (Remote Command Only)
Creates a file containing the specified data OR queries the data from an existing file.
Key path
Remote Command
:MMEMory:DATA <file_name>, <data>
:MMEMory:DATA? <file_name>
The string must be a valid logical path.
The command form is MMEMory:DATA <file_name>,<data>. It loads <data> into the file <file_
name>. <data> is in 488.2 block format. <file_name> is string data.
The query form is MMEMory:DATA? <file_name> with the response being the associated <data> in
block format.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Mass Storage Make Directory (Remote Command Only)
Key path
Remote Command
:MMEMory:MDIRectory <directory_name>
The string must be a valid logical path.
Creates a new directory. The <directory_name> parameter specifies the name to be created.
This command will generate an “access denied” error if the new directory would be in a restricted
folder (e.g., C:\Windows) and the current user does not have Power User or Administrator privileges.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Mass Storage Move (Remote Command Only)
Key path
Remote Command
:MMEMory:MOVE <string>,<string>[,<string>,<string>]
The string must be a valid logical path.
Moves an existing file to a new file or an existing directory to a new directory.
Two forms of parameters are allowed. The first form has two parameters. In this form, the first
parameter specifies the source, and the second parameter specifies the destination.
The second form has four parameters. In this form, the first and third parameters specify the source.
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference